30819 Casilina Dr, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Phone Number:
(310) 541-4844 to register
In Person Hypnosis and Spiritual Counselor Training:
Keep It Up A Notch Improve Your Income.
All levels and Instructor classes: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Virtual Spiritual Counselor Certification: Your Course from Source:
Virtual fifty hour course in the convenience of your own home on a flash drive. Includes the book “Shelley and Kathi’s Spiritual Counselor’s Secrets” and certification as a “Spiritual Counselor” from the International Hypnosis Federation.
Hypnosis Training:
All levels and Instructor classes
April 19–22, 2025
July 26-29, 2025
Hypnosis Certification (all levels)
Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Instructor​
Call: Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, (310) 541-4844
Cancellation Policy: Cancellation requests for International Hypnosis Federation functions ( Classes, Trips, Conference’s) must be received in writing by emailing Registrants wishing to cancel may instead transfer their registration to someone else without penalty if they send a written request with the replacement person’s name to IHF or provided a voucher for future use at an IHF event. If you do not cancel in advance, no refunds will be issued once the event has concluded, regardless of whether you participated in the event. Credit vouchers may be offered should program be suspended or shortened due to conditions or circumstances beyond IHF’s control, including but not limited to interruptions in internet services, power outages and any cancellations/modifications related to the COVID-19 epidemic. There is no return on Books or CD’s or DVD’s or digital downloads except for defective and then only for like replacement.